
I am  Anthony Garnett, a professional chief audit executive. I work in the international humanitarian system. The views on this blog are not my employer’s.  I am a qualified English Chartered Accountant, Chartered Internal Auditor and a qualified IT auditor and certified risk assurance provider. I have lots of experience across many clients and sectors, many from when I worked in practice for a big professional services firm and a university and the UK government. I have eclectic interests and a thirst for knowledge and am happy to learn from others, as I know I don’t have all of the answers, so please share your thoughts and ideas.

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello Anthony, this is a great blog! I wish I had seen it years ago. Are you still blogging. I am starting out one nonprofitauditor.org like you I think I just thought auditors have a lot to say and the profession needs promotion


  2. Thanks for writing


  3. Hi,

    Been a long time. Drop me a line if you would like to catch up.



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